This beautiful feng shui sky horse amulet keychain with flag of success and victory will enhance your energy and grant you victory and success in all person, scholastic, financial, career, and relationship endeavors. It is also the enhancer to flying star #1.
Flying horse is a windhorse which is the powerful horse of King Gesar of Ling who ruled the kingdom of Ling in eastern Tibet around eight centuries ago. He is believed to be one of the manifestations of Guru Rinpoche. He can smooth the journey of one’s pursuit of success and bring fame, recognition and power. It also protects one from harm in all aspects of life.
It is recommended that everyone should carry such a beautiful magic flying horse of flag of success amulet to win over all competition and achieve success. The flying horse itself is approx. 2″ x 1.5″ x 0.125″. The overall length of this feng shui keychain is approx. 4.25″ . It is made of alloy.